I had to pack, move to a different state, unpack, start training, read several articles, unpack more, write, and start on homework that I got even before class started.
My life right now is hectic, I will post soon however. I still have to discuss my point on Race Politics As They Are Clearly Defined by Sports and Nightlife[tentative title].
Should be interesting, stay tuned.
Dope Fashion: Woolrich Woolen Mills

Spotted over at http://newdandyism.com/
Dandies are revolutionaries, not just in dress, but also in lifestyle. They didn’t just dress differently FIRST, they acted differently FIRST. They were self-created men who consciously designed their own personalities and broke radically from the traditions of the past. And they were imitated to no end.
There are a lot of purest who have scoffed at the idea of a new or neo dandy. But NewDandyism is not for the purest. We are not looking to the past to dictate what we wear or how we act today. Dandyism is all about setting new paths, new styles, new thoughts, and creating new norms. It doesn’t mean we do not appreciate the past and borrow from it, because we do. A man is nothing without history. But a NewDandy reinterprets and reappropriates the best of the past for our wants and needs today. Because, seriously, we don’t want to appear or act as if in costume.
Check out more at: http://www.woolrichwoolenmillsproduction.com/
The Bicycle Film Fest

As I walked into the gym yesterday evening, I ran into a flyer for an event entitled "The Bicycle Film Fest." Needless to say, I was interested. So after a quick google search, I came across this little tidbit of information.
The Bicycle Film Festival celebrates the bicycle.
We are into all styles of bikes and biking. If you can name it-Tall Bike Jousting, Track Bikes, BMX, Alleycats, Critical Mass, Bike Polo, Cycling to Recumbents- we've probably either ridden or screened it. What better way to celebrate these lifestyles than through art, film, music and performance? We bring together all aspects of bicycling together to advocate its ability to transport us in many ways.
Ultimately the Fest is about having a good time.
We have been fortunate enough to include works of established artists such as Jorgen Leth, Mike Mills, Jonas Mekas, Blonde Redhead, Swoon and Michel Gondry among others as part of our programming.
Many of the artists who have participated in the Bike Film Fest such as the Neistat Brothers and Lucas Brunelle are gaining more and more recognition for their work.
Sign up for the email list or just come out and enjoy our 9th Annual Bicycle Film Festival.
Hm, interesting indeed. The Film Fest is a traveling event, and you find out more information about it by clicking here, or on the above image.
Love and Marriage
So, those of you who follow me on Twitter are well aware of my rants. Some of them can be offensive, some of them can be witty, but all of them are interesting...at least I’m told. Well, the other night I went off into a rant about how women “think” they know more than they do...wait...that came out really bad. Let me reword it -ahem- Women tend to give themselves more credit than necess...wait, no...Ok, once more for the road -ahem- Women tend to think that men are inferior and have the inability to match up intellectually, therefore making them the more witty sex. Maybe not in such harsh terms, but the fact remains that they feel that they have the ability to out think men. I’ve been told by a woman-friend that women tend to think of themselves as “mental ninjas.”
...maybe this would be a good time to begin my points...
The other night while tweeting I decided to get uber-reckless and anger as many women as possible by stating the claim that men aren’t as stupid as you think we are, that women actually play into our games, that women are too emotional, etc.
Most of it was simply to get a rise out of them...some of it was and is true...Now, what parts are true? I’ll state the points that I said, both reckless in nature...and then I'll match them with somewhat intelligent rhetoric. Enjoy!!!
1. Original: ...sigh...Women...you're not as wise as you think you are...sorry. What do you think guys talk about? How you be fuxin up. We beez laughin!
Intended Meaning: Men aren’t as dumb as you think we are.
Women, for some reason you think that we men are just these ogres...lacking in emotion and susceptible to the Jedi Mind trick...these are the same women that are single and can’t understand why no man will date them. We’re not stupid ladies, at all. Just because you think you have the upper hand...doesn’t mean you actually do. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; Men have the ability to wear the mask, and we’ve mastered said ability. We can effectively say and show one thing, whilst all together feeling otherwise.
And for the record, we have enough blood in our body to operate both heads...thus, we have the ability to logically and cognitively reason. Furthermore, we have emotions as well...and we know when and how to use them. Just because you don’t always see it, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
2.Original: Movies have ya’ll fucked up...
Intended Meaning: Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
Have you ever wondered? “Why do things go so well in films” -or- “I wish I could find my happy ending, things go so well in the movies.” Well...there is a reason they work out so well...because they are films. Films are written a certain way, and in certain genres there is no room for exceptions...Romantic Comedy being one of them. Things must end on an up note, or else the audience [read: women] will leave disappointed and think the movie was poor; and studios can’t have that, that will only skew their first week numbers.
Now, with that being said let’s elaborate a bit...ladies, for the love of God please stop trying to model your lives/perceptions off of movies. Men aren’t stupid. My previous point has stated this, and this point is reinforcing it. More so, most of the men in those films are written to intentionally come off as lethargic, tyrannical, and as sophomoric as possible. Not all men are this way. More so, you have to take each circumstance as a new experience. This allows you to grow from it, enjoy this person fully, and ultimately make decisions based upon your own perceptions and experiences with THIS person...rather than others whom you may think are like him.
[Note: Let the record show that this also applies for books, TV Shows, and any other form of entertainment. That’s why it is called ENTERTAINMENT]
3.Original: Why are all the women dating help books written by men? AND YA’LL BUY ‘EM!
Intended Meaning: To be such an unwitting species, we offer great advice...conundrum if I’ve ever heard of one.
Further reinforcing my first point, men aren’t stupid. That has very little to do with this next point...I just felt the need to say it again.
But, back to business. To be such a large group of behemoths with infinitesimal knowledge...we know how to write a book about relationships...and sell it...and get on Oprah...and get a movie deal out of it...That’s quite an accomplishment for a group with what seems to be wildly accepted as a less than average brain wave activity.
With books like “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” and “He’s Just Not That Into You,” among a thousand others just like it...with a substantial amount of them written by men...you’d think we had this relationship thing on lock and that women were the ones with the inability to effectively reason...
Hmm...maybe that’s actually it...
But what do I know, I’m just a man.
>>>P.S. If you're not following me on Twitter at this point you need help. (twitter.com/bouier)
...maybe this would be a good time to begin my points...
The other night while tweeting I decided to get uber-reckless and anger as many women as possible by stating the claim that men aren’t as stupid as you think we are, that women actually play into our games, that women are too emotional, etc.
Most of it was simply to get a rise out of them...some of it was and is true...Now, what parts are true? I’ll state the points that I said, both reckless in nature...and then I'll match them with somewhat intelligent rhetoric. Enjoy!!!
1. Original: ...sigh...Women...you're not as wise as you think you are...sorry. What do you think guys talk about? How you be fuxin up. We beez laughin!
Intended Meaning: Men aren’t as dumb as you think we are.
Women, for some reason you think that we men are just these ogres...lacking in emotion and susceptible to the Jedi Mind trick...these are the same women that are single and can’t understand why no man will date them. We’re not stupid ladies, at all. Just because you think you have the upper hand...doesn’t mean you actually do. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; Men have the ability to wear the mask, and we’ve mastered said ability. We can effectively say and show one thing, whilst all together feeling otherwise.
And for the record, we have enough blood in our body to operate both heads...thus, we have the ability to logically and cognitively reason. Furthermore, we have emotions as well...and we know when and how to use them. Just because you don’t always see it, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
2.Original: Movies have ya’ll fucked up...
Intended Meaning: Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
Have you ever wondered? “Why do things go so well in films” -or- “I wish I could find my happy ending, things go so well in the movies.” Well...there is a reason they work out so well...because they are films. Films are written a certain way, and in certain genres there is no room for exceptions...Romantic Comedy being one of them. Things must end on an up note, or else the audience [read: women] will leave disappointed and think the movie was poor; and studios can’t have that, that will only skew their first week numbers.
Now, with that being said let’s elaborate a bit...ladies, for the love of God please stop trying to model your lives/perceptions off of movies. Men aren’t stupid. My previous point has stated this, and this point is reinforcing it. More so, most of the men in those films are written to intentionally come off as lethargic, tyrannical, and as sophomoric as possible. Not all men are this way. More so, you have to take each circumstance as a new experience. This allows you to grow from it, enjoy this person fully, and ultimately make decisions based upon your own perceptions and experiences with THIS person...rather than others whom you may think are like him.
[Note: Let the record show that this also applies for books, TV Shows, and any other form of entertainment. That’s why it is called ENTERTAINMENT]
3.Original: Why are all the women dating help books written by men? AND YA’LL BUY ‘EM!
Intended Meaning: To be such an unwitting species, we offer great advice...conundrum if I’ve ever heard of one.
Further reinforcing my first point, men aren’t stupid. That has very little to do with this next point...I just felt the need to say it again.
But, back to business. To be such a large group of behemoths with infinitesimal knowledge...we know how to write a book about relationships...and sell it...and get on Oprah...and get a movie deal out of it...That’s quite an accomplishment for a group with what seems to be wildly accepted as a less than average brain wave activity.
With books like “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” and “He’s Just Not That Into You,” among a thousand others just like it...with a substantial amount of them written by men...you’d think we had this relationship thing on lock and that women were the ones with the inability to effectively reason...
Hmm...maybe that’s actually it...
But what do I know, I’m just a man.
>>>P.S. If you're not following me on Twitter at this point you need help. (twitter.com/bouier)
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