Robin Meade - Journalist, Television Talk Show Host, Fine
But I'm still having fun and I guess that's the key. I'm a Twenty-Something and I'll keep being me.
“You always dress so well,” is what she said to me. Josephine and I had been friends for only a short period of time; yet, she made it a personal point to tell me when I resembled Steve McQueen. Perhaps it was because I looked like a slob eighty percent of the time, perhaps it was ulterior in motive...perhaps I’m thinking wishfully. In any case, it was a compliment; something that I did not receive often enough. “Thank you, you’re not too harsh on the eyes yourself.” Her teeth, always ever so pristine, grinned faintly; in a manner similar to what you see in films from the Forties; the ones where the woman tries to hide her smile as if it will insult someone. “Stop it, I’ll blush.” She states this as if it’s a bad thing. I’d be telling a falsity if I said I never wanted something more of Josephine. Not only am I shy and reserved...I’m taken. By Jo-Jo’s - a name we use to tease Josephine often; cousin none the less.
It was the classic case of untimely circumstance, you know those. Those instances where you begin to date someone seriously, and poof, out of the blue comes someone more fitting for you. Something about the air of the room when they walk in...it gets rather light, it has a strange hue even. Azure, for me. At that first small social gathering the Azure was deeper than a European sky, and from across the room I noticed Josephine. As beautiful as ever, hiding that smile...the same smile that I’ve told her time and time again that she should show off. She pays me no mind. The party was rather drab, not much memorable about it...other than Josephine. She wore a yellow dress, red flat shoes, and her curly locks of hair rested on her collar. I don’t even remember what I wore that night...jeans, loafers...something rather banal I can assume. There was nothing normal about her...in the least. I often wonder if Josephine feels the same way as I do.
Sure we flirt, but it’s all harmless. At least I feel so. Teasing, play fighting, knocking over ice cream cones...you’d think we were five years old the way we act in public. And to be honest, I think that’s what attracts me to her. The fact that I'm so childlike around her; at ease. It’s as if the only thing that matters in that moment is sprinkles or no sprinkles...Strawberry or Vanilla. Sometimes I say with such resolve in the morning, “Today will be the day. The day that you tell her how you feel.” Even stare myself down in the mirror...but it never happens. I doubt it ever will to be honest. And I’m perfectly fine with that. Why spoil it...if it’s meant to be, I’m sure serendipity will intervene.
One day, we’ll be coming from the pier...and it’ll start to rain...heavily. We’ll run, but the closest place will be my...no, her apartment. We’ll wait it out. Laugh more, she’ll dry off and her locks will retain a small amount of water, slowly dripping on to the linoleum in the kitchen. She’ll make us tea. With honey. Not too sweet, not too bland...perfect. We’ll share a blanket, play fight, and that’s how it’ll happen. We’ll recognize that we’re both out of line...but neither of us will stop it...and just like that, her Yellow Dress and Red Flats...my Loafers and Jeans... The room will be the deepest azure. She’ll look at all the articles tied in a boondoggled knot on the wooden floor of her living room and say, “You always dress so well.” To which, I’ll reply “Thank you, you’re not too harsh on the eyes yourself.” And we’ll both laugh......only this time, she won’t sheath her smile.
Toy Soldiers from Alta Media Productions on Vimeo.
Dandies are revolutionaries, not just in dress, but also in lifestyle. They didn’t just dress differently FIRST, they acted differently FIRST. They were self-created men who consciously designed their own personalities and broke radically from the traditions of the past. And they were imitated to no end.
There are a lot of purest who have scoffed at the idea of a new or neo dandy. But NewDandyism is not for the purest. We are not looking to the past to dictate what we wear or how we act today. Dandyism is all about setting new paths, new styles, new thoughts, and creating new norms. It doesn’t mean we do not appreciate the past and borrow from it, because we do. A man is nothing without history. But a NewDandy reinterprets and reappropriates the best of the past for our wants and needs today. Because, seriously, we don’t want to appear or act as if in costume.
The Bicycle Film Festival celebrates the bicycle.
We are into all styles of bikes and biking. If you can name it-Tall Bike Jousting, Track Bikes, BMX, Alleycats, Critical Mass, Bike Polo, Cycling to Recumbents- we've probably either ridden or screened it. What better way to celebrate these lifestyles than through art, film, music and performance? We bring together all aspects of bicycling together to advocate its ability to transport us in many ways.
Ultimately the Fest is about having a good time.
We have been fortunate enough to include works of established artists such as Jorgen Leth, Mike Mills, Jonas Mekas, Blonde Redhead, Swoon and Michel Gondry among others as part of our programming.
Many of the artists who have participated in the Bike Film Fest such as the Neistat Brothers and Lucas Brunelle are gaining more and more recognition for their work.
Sign up for the email list or just come out and enjoy our 9th Annual Bicycle Film Festival.