Films I Want To See - 12/04/09
If you haven't seen the first District B 13...I would suggest you go rent that. Not the greatest film Story Wise...but very entertaining to watch.
What I'm Listening To - 11/30/09
Summer of 2010
I know its a bit early to consider what's being done in Summer of 2010, but at the rate my life moves I need to plan this ahead of time.
Trying to find someone/place that will allow me to couch crash during the summer. Looking for folks that I know in either LA, NY (or Tristate area that's close enough to commute to NY)
I'm looking to take a few Meisner and Method Acting Classes, as well as possibly paint...on some true Artsy/BoHo/Hippie shit. Mainly the first two however. I'm looking to take the classes to learn new things to add to my Director's Bag-O-Tricks; strengthening my craft essentially.
Not sure what proper compensation is for something of this sort...but I'll gladly cook, clean, wash clothes/dishes, be a handyman/man of the house, and various other things in exchange for room and board (all of which would have to be agreed upon prior to, and yes...there will be a contract). Hell, I'll be a Personal an extent...Any other compensation could be discussed outside of this note, leaving a lot up to negotiation.
I'm not sure of exact dates yet, I have to look into classes and I probably won't research that until over Christmas Break. I just want to get some sort of living arrangement etched in stone before I do anything else, even if its only a gentleman's agreement for now.
If you or someone you know would be open to this, please comment on the note or shoot me a message ASAP.
Trying to find someone/place that will allow me to couch crash during the summer. Looking for folks that I know in either LA, NY (or Tristate area that's close enough to commute to NY)
I'm looking to take a few Meisner and Method Acting Classes, as well as possibly paint...on some true Artsy/BoHo/Hippie shit. Mainly the first two however. I'm looking to take the classes to learn new things to add to my Director's Bag-O-Tricks; strengthening my craft essentially.
Not sure what proper compensation is for something of this sort...but I'll gladly cook, clean, wash clothes/dishes, be a handyman/man of the house, and various other things in exchange for room and board (all of which would have to be agreed upon prior to, and yes...there will be a contract). Hell, I'll be a Personal an extent...Any other compensation could be discussed outside of this note, leaving a lot up to negotiation.
I'm not sure of exact dates yet, I have to look into classes and I probably won't research that until over Christmas Break. I just want to get some sort of living arrangement etched in stone before I do anything else, even if its only a gentleman's agreement for now.
If you or someone you know would be open to this, please comment on the note or shoot me a message ASAP.
The Build Up That Is: The Princess and The Frog
So I'll probably upset people with this blog entry...and I don't particularly care. As a disclaimer, however, I will say that these are solely my opinions...its up to you to determine what you feel...
(click on the image or here to visit the official site)
For those of us who have not been under a rock for the past 2 years, we're all well aware of the new Disney Film "The Princess and The Frog." Its to be the first official film to star Black/African-American/Characters of African Descent - which I feel is silly, all things considered Lion King was the first. Once again, this is just my opinion.
With the buzz of the film came many mixed perceptions and opinions on the characters as well as the story. Many of which were followed with America's favorite word...racism.
Now, before I go any further I just want to explicitly say that there is a difference between the -isms and being naive to situations due to one's ignorance. An example of such: People always argue that Spike Lee's films and possibly that he is Sexist. When in fact, that's not the case. Spike tries to write for women, but because he is not one...falls flat at points. Its not because he's a sexist, its because he's ignorant of what constitutes realism for Woman Characters.
Continuing on.
There's been a concern that Disney, a company that hasn't had the most positive PR when it comes to Race/Religious Relations, has been using this film to as a means to voice its opinion on those of us with a...ahem...Darker hue. Which, in fact, isn't the least, not in my eyes.
Let the question sequence begin:
1. Why New Orleans, why not Africa?
Answer: You don't run the same show twice.
Well, that's too easy. Too cliche. And for what its worth, there was already an Animated Film set in Africa WITH songs in Swahili. More so, Disney runs an essentially ALL BLACK stage production of the film...There's no fun in rehashing a story.
I hear the rants from the peanut gallery that argue the fact that since that film had animals it doesn't count. Explain Bambi then...
More so, these are animals that speak, dance, and break out into song...let's be serious with ourselves here....
Furthermore, the setting of New Orleans was choose not only because it was Walt Disney's favorite place but it CLEARLY makes sense for the story. A story, set in the 20s...about Blacks...honestly, what's the first place that you think of?
Also, I feel its a good thing that the people of New Orleans get to see their city in all of its glory after all the hardship that they've been through. No one had a problem with Benjamin Button being in Naw'lins...and to be honest, Taraji walked the line between Loving Maternal character and Magical Negro in that film...She was one "OOO Chille" away from Mississippi Burning.
Moving on.
2. Why is Prince Naveen not Black?
Answer: Does it matter?
For those that don't know, Naveen is the Prince Charming of the film. The love interest of the story's protagonist, Tiana (I can hear the rants, I'll come back to the name.)
Since the initial image releases of the film, Naveen has made a significant change in...ahem...hue. There were significant complaints about the character falling for a "Beige" person...thus pissing off the Sister Africas...
Old Naveen:
New Naveen:
To accomodate the Sister Africa's request, they made him a more tan and gave him a Luther Vandross Curl.
Something I found preposterous about the complaints was the myopic thought process of those ranting. Not only is Disney making a movie about a BLACK Princess, but decided to incorporate Interracial Love as the 1920s! I'm sorry, but if that's not ballsy what is? More so, isn't that the image we want to teach our children in the new millennium we live in? That its OK to choose what make you comfortable? To fall in love with a person because of who they are, not because of what they look like? I commend Disney for their fearlessness when making such a decision, but I guess it went over people's heads...
And for the Record, Naveen was Indian...not White.
(I personally find this image preposterous...Naveen wooing not one, BUT TWO White Women whilst resting his shoulder on the Back of a White the 1920s...He would've been fucking lynched in those days...but hey, I guess it doesn't matter as long as you please the Sister Africas...)
3. Why is she named Tiana?
Answer: C'mon Son.
Look, I really don't care about the name...I'd be upset if she was named Lotaviquous. Let's be honest, Tiana is basically a normal name in today's society...if we're gonna be culturally inaccurate about everything else, let's not try to fix shit now. More so, I thought the name of the game was writing Characters that people can identify with...and I thought this film was about showing Little Black Girls that they too can be Princesses...I'm pretty sure they have a friend or cousin named Tiana (maybe not that spelling), I'm fine with it. They could've named her Zimbuki...all I'm saying...
To add to this, everyone was concerned that she was a servant...which isn't the case. She works a restaurant and one day wants to own her own, essentially becoming a Madame CJ Walker. She learned to cook from her Father, I'm a bit foggy as to if the restaurant is owned by him or if its a pauper to prince(ss) story. In addition to this, Tiana wants to own the restaurant because she feels it brings people together...which is why the dynamic of working with her Father was expound upon. Thus, continuing the subtext of all Disney Movies, that family is important to our lives.
While I'm on this subject, I'm amazed at the amount of people who haven't commented on the fact that a BLACK FATHER is close to his BLACK DAUGHTER. We have plenty of films that profit off of the broken Black Family (ahem...Precious) and for once we have one that praises the Black Family Structure and it's importance...Sister Africas...distracting again.
4. What's up with the Gospel and Jazz Tracks?
Answer: You can't be serious right now...
You're really going to look me in my face, as another person of color, and say that you DON'T listen to Jazz or Gospel? Anyway...
My feelings on that are as such, don't be ashamed of your roots. I grew up listening to Gospel, Jazz, R&B, etc. Be proud of the musical background that our people have...more so, how Anachronistic would it have been if there was an Electronic song in the middle of 1920s New Orleans? Music and Setting are to convey mood and set tone for the film, something I feel was done effectively here.
And honestly, if you wanna be pissed off about a song and the lyrics...go and watch Jungle Book...If you don't get upset when Louie starts singing the Swing song...well, yea. He's the one of the only characters in the film that doesn't have an English accent, is a Monkey that sings Swing a la Cab Calloway, Speaks in Jive, and sings a song about wanting to be a "Man Cub" like you.
And for what its worth, Scatman Crothers was in Aristocats...not the first Disney movie with Jazz...
Kudos to Randy Newman on the arrangement of the songs by the way. What can't that man write...?
5. What's the deal with the Supplementing Characters/Ensemble?
Answer: This is gonna be a long one...(that's what she said)
Mama Odie, a 197 Year Old Blind woman who lives in the Bayou, has a seeing eye Snake that she uses as a cane, and knows how to break hexes (essentially, the Glenda The Good Witch) ...sure, this can push a few people...but this a movie about a Voodoo Spell that was placed on the two of them. Let's be honest, every other film has had a Wizard or thought this was gonna be different? Furthermore, the concern is that she's a bit "Mammie." I'm willing to acknowledge the fact that she speaks like "Big Momma" but not willing to call her a Mammie...not without seeing the film...and not off of the images that I've seen. One needs to know what a Mammie is (as well as a Sambo, Pickaninny, etc.) before they start throwing those terms around. Its the most overused term since Uncle Tom. (For the record, Uncle Tom frees the slaves at the end of the book...he puts on the act so he can fool the "Good White Folk." Read the fucking book before you go using the term all willy nilly) Also for the record, the character is designed after Margaret Rutherford...not Aunt Jemima...Who was in fact a Mammie...just saying...
Dr. Faciler, the antagonist of the film and a Witch Doctor (essentially The Wicked Witch of The West)...I don't really have a problem with this guy...he looks like Samuel L. Jackson in Eve's Bayou to makes me giggle...(YES THEY DESERVED TO DIE, AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!!!!)
Louie, the Jazz playing Alligator who wants to be human (kinda like Pinnocchio) so he can play in a Jazz Band...anything...anyone? No...ok, he's comic relief...I think we kinda all got that...
Ray the Firefly who's in love with a star he calls, "Evangeline". I'm on the fence about this guy...I can't lie. I'm not opposed to his look, because he's essentially the Pumba of this film...I am a little opposed to his voice and joke choice. HOWEVER, I can see him as an important reflectionary character who through his child-like knowledge will offer a lesson that's very mature and important to the film and the character(s) arc(s).
In closing, I'll be seeing it. I may even take my Niece if I have the time. Furthermore, I feel a lot of the negative feelings are coming from people who believe that Black History Month is in February because its the shortest month of the year (that's not the reason why it's in February...I can't hold your hand homie, go read a book)...and honestly, what we should be pissed off about is that Oprah and Terrance Howard are in this film.
That's a crime against humanity.
(click on the image or here to visit the official site)
For those of us who have not been under a rock for the past 2 years, we're all well aware of the new Disney Film "The Princess and The Frog." Its to be the first official film to star Black/African-American/Characters of African Descent - which I feel is silly, all things considered Lion King was the first. Once again, this is just my opinion.
With the buzz of the film came many mixed perceptions and opinions on the characters as well as the story. Many of which were followed with America's favorite word...racism.
Now, before I go any further I just want to explicitly say that there is a difference between the -isms and being naive to situations due to one's ignorance. An example of such: People always argue that Spike Lee's films and possibly that he is Sexist. When in fact, that's not the case. Spike tries to write for women, but because he is not one...falls flat at points. Its not because he's a sexist, its because he's ignorant of what constitutes realism for Woman Characters.
Continuing on.
There's been a concern that Disney, a company that hasn't had the most positive PR when it comes to Race/Religious Relations, has been using this film to as a means to voice its opinion on those of us with a...ahem...Darker hue. Which, in fact, isn't the least, not in my eyes.
Let the question sequence begin:
1. Why New Orleans, why not Africa?
Answer: You don't run the same show twice.
Well, that's too easy. Too cliche. And for what its worth, there was already an Animated Film set in Africa WITH songs in Swahili. More so, Disney runs an essentially ALL BLACK stage production of the film...There's no fun in rehashing a story.
I hear the rants from the peanut gallery that argue the fact that since that film had animals it doesn't count. Explain Bambi then...
More so, these are animals that speak, dance, and break out into song...let's be serious with ourselves here....
Furthermore, the setting of New Orleans was choose not only because it was Walt Disney's favorite place but it CLEARLY makes sense for the story. A story, set in the 20s...about Blacks...honestly, what's the first place that you think of?
Also, I feel its a good thing that the people of New Orleans get to see their city in all of its glory after all the hardship that they've been through. No one had a problem with Benjamin Button being in Naw'lins...and to be honest, Taraji walked the line between Loving Maternal character and Magical Negro in that film...She was one "OOO Chille" away from Mississippi Burning.
Moving on.
2. Why is Prince Naveen not Black?
Answer: Does it matter?
For those that don't know, Naveen is the Prince Charming of the film. The love interest of the story's protagonist, Tiana (I can hear the rants, I'll come back to the name.)
Since the initial image releases of the film, Naveen has made a significant change in...ahem...hue. There were significant complaints about the character falling for a "Beige" person...thus pissing off the Sister Africas...
Old Naveen:
New Naveen:
To accomodate the Sister Africa's request, they made him a more tan and gave him a Luther Vandross Curl.
Something I found preposterous about the complaints was the myopic thought process of those ranting. Not only is Disney making a movie about a BLACK Princess, but decided to incorporate Interracial Love as the 1920s! I'm sorry, but if that's not ballsy what is? More so, isn't that the image we want to teach our children in the new millennium we live in? That its OK to choose what make you comfortable? To fall in love with a person because of who they are, not because of what they look like? I commend Disney for their fearlessness when making such a decision, but I guess it went over people's heads...
And for the Record, Naveen was Indian...not White.
(I personally find this image preposterous...Naveen wooing not one, BUT TWO White Women whilst resting his shoulder on the Back of a White the 1920s...He would've been fucking lynched in those days...but hey, I guess it doesn't matter as long as you please the Sister Africas...)
3. Why is she named Tiana?
Answer: C'mon Son.
Look, I really don't care about the name...I'd be upset if she was named Lotaviquous. Let's be honest, Tiana is basically a normal name in today's society...if we're gonna be culturally inaccurate about everything else, let's not try to fix shit now. More so, I thought the name of the game was writing Characters that people can identify with...and I thought this film was about showing Little Black Girls that they too can be Princesses...I'm pretty sure they have a friend or cousin named Tiana (maybe not that spelling), I'm fine with it. They could've named her Zimbuki...all I'm saying...
To add to this, everyone was concerned that she was a servant...which isn't the case. She works a restaurant and one day wants to own her own, essentially becoming a Madame CJ Walker. She learned to cook from her Father, I'm a bit foggy as to if the restaurant is owned by him or if its a pauper to prince(ss) story. In addition to this, Tiana wants to own the restaurant because she feels it brings people together...which is why the dynamic of working with her Father was expound upon. Thus, continuing the subtext of all Disney Movies, that family is important to our lives.
While I'm on this subject, I'm amazed at the amount of people who haven't commented on the fact that a BLACK FATHER is close to his BLACK DAUGHTER. We have plenty of films that profit off of the broken Black Family (ahem...Precious) and for once we have one that praises the Black Family Structure and it's importance...Sister Africas...distracting again.
4. What's up with the Gospel and Jazz Tracks?
Answer: You can't be serious right now...
You're really going to look me in my face, as another person of color, and say that you DON'T listen to Jazz or Gospel? Anyway...
My feelings on that are as such, don't be ashamed of your roots. I grew up listening to Gospel, Jazz, R&B, etc. Be proud of the musical background that our people have...more so, how Anachronistic would it have been if there was an Electronic song in the middle of 1920s New Orleans? Music and Setting are to convey mood and set tone for the film, something I feel was done effectively here.
And honestly, if you wanna be pissed off about a song and the lyrics...go and watch Jungle Book...If you don't get upset when Louie starts singing the Swing song...well, yea. He's the one of the only characters in the film that doesn't have an English accent, is a Monkey that sings Swing a la Cab Calloway, Speaks in Jive, and sings a song about wanting to be a "Man Cub" like you.
And for what its worth, Scatman Crothers was in Aristocats...not the first Disney movie with Jazz...
Kudos to Randy Newman on the arrangement of the songs by the way. What can't that man write...?
5. What's the deal with the Supplementing Characters/Ensemble?
Answer: This is gonna be a long one...(that's what she said)
Mama Odie, a 197 Year Old Blind woman who lives in the Bayou, has a seeing eye Snake that she uses as a cane, and knows how to break hexes (essentially, the Glenda The Good Witch) ...sure, this can push a few people...but this a movie about a Voodoo Spell that was placed on the two of them. Let's be honest, every other film has had a Wizard or thought this was gonna be different? Furthermore, the concern is that she's a bit "Mammie." I'm willing to acknowledge the fact that she speaks like "Big Momma" but not willing to call her a Mammie...not without seeing the film...and not off of the images that I've seen. One needs to know what a Mammie is (as well as a Sambo, Pickaninny, etc.) before they start throwing those terms around. Its the most overused term since Uncle Tom. (For the record, Uncle Tom frees the slaves at the end of the book...he puts on the act so he can fool the "Good White Folk." Read the fucking book before you go using the term all willy nilly) Also for the record, the character is designed after Margaret Rutherford...not Aunt Jemima...Who was in fact a Mammie...just saying...
Dr. Faciler, the antagonist of the film and a Witch Doctor (essentially The Wicked Witch of The West)...I don't really have a problem with this guy...he looks like Samuel L. Jackson in Eve's Bayou to makes me giggle...(YES THEY DESERVED TO DIE, AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!!!!)
Louie, the Jazz playing Alligator who wants to be human (kinda like Pinnocchio) so he can play in a Jazz Band...anything...anyone? No...ok, he's comic relief...I think we kinda all got that...
Ray the Firefly who's in love with a star he calls, "Evangeline". I'm on the fence about this guy...I can't lie. I'm not opposed to his look, because he's essentially the Pumba of this film...I am a little opposed to his voice and joke choice. HOWEVER, I can see him as an important reflectionary character who through his child-like knowledge will offer a lesson that's very mature and important to the film and the character(s) arc(s).
In closing, I'll be seeing it. I may even take my Niece if I have the time. Furthermore, I feel a lot of the negative feelings are coming from people who believe that Black History Month is in February because its the shortest month of the year (that's not the reason why it's in February...I can't hold your hand homie, go read a book)...and honestly, what we should be pissed off about is that Oprah and Terrance Howard are in this film.
That's a crime against humanity.
I was bored, so I wrote a short story. Its mostly stream of conscious...I hope you enjoy. And if not, tell me.
“You always dress so well,” is what she said to me. Josephine and I had been friends for only a short period of time; yet, she made it a personal point to tell me when I resembled Steve McQueen. Perhaps it was because I looked like a slob eighty percent of the time, perhaps it was ulterior in motive...perhaps I’m thinking wishfully. In any case, it was a compliment; something that I did not receive often enough. “Thank you, you’re not too harsh on the eyes yourself.” Her teeth, always ever so pristine, grinned faintly; in a manner similar to what you see in films from the Forties; the ones where the woman tries to hide her smile as if it will insult someone. “Stop it, I’ll blush.” She states this as if it’s a bad thing. I’d be telling a falsity if I said I never wanted something more of Josephine. Not only am I shy and reserved...I’m taken. By Jo-Jo’s - a name we use to tease Josephine often; cousin none the less.
It was the classic case of untimely circumstance, you know those. Those instances where you begin to date someone seriously, and poof, out of the blue comes someone more fitting for you. Something about the air of the room when they walk gets rather light, it has a strange hue even. Azure, for me. At that first small social gathering the Azure was deeper than a European sky, and from across the room I noticed Josephine. As beautiful as ever, hiding that smile...the same smile that I’ve told her time and time again that she should show off. She pays me no mind. The party was rather drab, not much memorable about it...other than Josephine. She wore a yellow dress, red flat shoes, and her curly locks of hair rested on her collar. I don’t even remember what I wore that night...jeans, loafers...something rather banal I can assume. There was nothing normal about the least. I often wonder if Josephine feels the same way as I do.
Sure we flirt, but it’s all harmless. At least I feel so. Teasing, play fighting, knocking over ice cream’d think we were five years old the way we act in public. And to be honest, I think that’s what attracts me to her. The fact that I'm so childlike around her; at ease. It’s as if the only thing that matters in that moment is sprinkles or no sprinkles...Strawberry or Vanilla. Sometimes I say with such resolve in the morning, “Today will be the day. The day that you tell her how you feel.” Even stare myself down in the mirror...but it never happens. I doubt it ever will to be honest. And I’m perfectly fine with that. Why spoil it...if it’s meant to be, I’m sure serendipity will intervene.
One day, we’ll be coming from the pier...and it’ll start to rain...heavily. We’ll run, but the closest place will be, her apartment. We’ll wait it out. Laugh more, she’ll dry off and her locks will retain a small amount of water, slowly dripping on to the linoleum in the kitchen. She’ll make us tea. With honey. Not too sweet, not too bland...perfect. We’ll share a blanket, play fight, and that’s how it’ll happen. We’ll recognize that we’re both out of line...but neither of us will stop it...and just like that, her Yellow Dress and Red Loafers and Jeans... The room will be the deepest azure. She’ll look at all the articles tied in a boondoggled knot on the wooden floor of her living room and say, “You always dress so well.” To which, I’ll reply “Thank you, you’re not too harsh on the eyes yourself.” And we’ll both laugh......only this time, she won’t sheath her smile.
Grad School Is CRAZY!!!!!
Yea...I'm back. Taking a break from work...which, ironically, is what this post is about.
I'm only one week into this thing called Grad School (Not even a full week, may I add), and I have done enough work to excrete on most student's month. This weekend alone I've been working on a Paper, FOUR Film Proposals, reading TWO scripts, and setting up a casting call for class with my Brothers and Sisters of the Struggle.
When they said hit the ground running, they weren't playing. BUT, I'm in no way complaining...well, maybe a little. Let me restate that I suppose.
I'm not complaining about being in Grad School, in no way. I thoroughly enjoy all of my classes thus far and both of the Professor's I've had the pleasure of meeting are equal parts great as they are entertaining.
What I am complaining about is the workload...but I suppose it's expected of me. Be careful what you ask for...very true indeed. Because when they say accelerated, oh...THEY MEAN ACCELERATED. Like, v-12 accelerated. Like, Road Runner accelerated. Like...yea, by now I think you get the point.
Getting acclimated to the City of Chicago, always good. But I still have many neighborhoods to visit. Still haven't found my niche, but I've got plenty of time.
I think that once a month I'm going to compile a Downloadable Mixtape of samples...Don't quote me on that one...It all depends on how I feel.
One thing that I def intend upon doing is adding more in, my photography...
In other news, Football is back for now, I'm happy.
Alright, I'm off to do more work. Maybe I'll post again all depends on how much work I'm assigned in the coming week.
You know where to find me...
I'm only one week into this thing called Grad School (Not even a full week, may I add), and I have done enough work to excrete on most student's month. This weekend alone I've been working on a Paper, FOUR Film Proposals, reading TWO scripts, and setting up a casting call for class with my Brothers and Sisters of the Struggle.
When they said hit the ground running, they weren't playing. BUT, I'm in no way complaining...well, maybe a little. Let me restate that I suppose.
I'm not complaining about being in Grad School, in no way. I thoroughly enjoy all of my classes thus far and both of the Professor's I've had the pleasure of meeting are equal parts great as they are entertaining.
What I am complaining about is the workload...but I suppose it's expected of me. Be careful what you ask for...very true indeed. Because when they say accelerated, oh...THEY MEAN ACCELERATED. Like, v-12 accelerated. Like, Road Runner accelerated. Like...yea, by now I think you get the point.
Getting acclimated to the City of Chicago, always good. But I still have many neighborhoods to visit. Still haven't found my niche, but I've got plenty of time.
I think that once a month I'm going to compile a Downloadable Mixtape of samples...Don't quote me on that one...It all depends on how I feel.
One thing that I def intend upon doing is adding more in, my photography...
In other news, Football is back for now, I'm happy.
Alright, I'm off to do more work. Maybe I'll post again all depends on how much work I'm assigned in the coming week.
You know where to find me...
Diddy & Dirty Money - Angels
This joint is hot to me...the video is aesthetically dope and the song has a global appeal.
I support this message.
Films I Want To See 08/25/09
I'm not sure what my next post will be in the meantime, enjoy some high-quality distraction.
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers from Alta Media Productions on Vimeo.
Short film entitled Toy Soldiers by Alta Media Productions
Racial Politics - As Defined by Nightlife
Ah yes, Racial politics...everyone's favorite subject.
Over the past few weeks, I've been attempting to write this post without sounding too emotional about the subject as well as too loquacious. So after much mediation on the subject, I feel that I'm finally ready to tackle it in a some-what eloquent manner.
If you go into any nightclub in America, you tend to experience the same things. You see the binge drinking, you hear the loud music, everyone brushes against each other - sometimes in a more than provocative manner; and if you look deep enough you see the subconscious segregation. You see the blacks dancing with the blacks, the whites dancing with the whites...almost as if the laws of the 60s still applied. On rare instances, you may see the two intermingle; but these desultory instances are few and far in between. Furthermore, you may notice one or two blacks in an all white VIP booth, and vice versa...almost as if a token is an absolute necessity to validate one's clubbing experience.
When? Why? What for? All questions, I have to ask whenever I notice this circumstance.
Its almost like a chapter from Dr. Beverly Tatum's book, "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" Almost like the scene from Hairspray where there is a velvet rope placed in between the Blacks and the Whites at the High School dance, but this time the velvet rope is invisible. Does it play into the fear that many races have about mixing? Intermingling? Dating? Or is it deeper?
In closing, I simply state that we can never hope to be the "post-racial society" we claim to be if we are too afraid to mingle amongst each other in the most insignificant of places.
What are you opinions on the matter? This a post that is open to debate/discussion.
Over the past few weeks, I've been attempting to write this post without sounding too emotional about the subject as well as too loquacious. So after much mediation on the subject, I feel that I'm finally ready to tackle it in a some-what eloquent manner.
If you go into any nightclub in America, you tend to experience the same things. You see the binge drinking, you hear the loud music, everyone brushes against each other - sometimes in a more than provocative manner; and if you look deep enough you see the subconscious segregation. You see the blacks dancing with the blacks, the whites dancing with the whites...almost as if the laws of the 60s still applied. On rare instances, you may see the two intermingle; but these desultory instances are few and far in between. Furthermore, you may notice one or two blacks in an all white VIP booth, and vice versa...almost as if a token is an absolute necessity to validate one's clubbing experience.
When? Why? What for? All questions, I have to ask whenever I notice this circumstance.
Its almost like a chapter from Dr. Beverly Tatum's book, "Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" Almost like the scene from Hairspray where there is a velvet rope placed in between the Blacks and the Whites at the High School dance, but this time the velvet rope is invisible. Does it play into the fear that many races have about mixing? Intermingling? Dating? Or is it deeper?
In closing, I simply state that we can never hope to be the "post-racial society" we claim to be if we are too afraid to mingle amongst each other in the most insignificant of places.
What are you opinions on the matter? This a post that is open to debate/discussion.
Charlie Pyott Design - Linos
No, your eyes do not deceive you. That is a record player that is in fact smaller than the actual record. This was created by Charlie Pyott and its called Linos.
Portable vinyl? Pretty dope concept if I must say so myself.
>>PS - I promise, as soon as things die down a bit around these parts I'm gonna get back to writing. I've had to make more than a few trips between Detroit and Chicago to grab stuff, and that's not even including the day to day madness I've had to endure. So yea...I'm working on it...
If everything goes as planned this week, I'll have another writing post up by the end of this week.
Films I Want To See - 08/02/09
I promise I'll get back to writing as soon as I get unpacked, settled, and some free time. Just made the move to another City and things are a bit hectic right now.
The Blog is Alive and Well
I had to pack, move to a different state, unpack, start training, read several articles, unpack more, write, and start on homework that I got even before class started.
My life right now is hectic, I will post soon however. I still have to discuss my point on Race Politics As They Are Clearly Defined by Sports and Nightlife[tentative title].
Should be interesting, stay tuned.
My life right now is hectic, I will post soon however. I still have to discuss my point on Race Politics As They Are Clearly Defined by Sports and Nightlife[tentative title].
Should be interesting, stay tuned.
Dope Fashion: Woolrich Woolen Mills
Spotted over at
Dandies are revolutionaries, not just in dress, but also in lifestyle. They didn’t just dress differently FIRST, they acted differently FIRST. They were self-created men who consciously designed their own personalities and broke radically from the traditions of the past. And they were imitated to no end.
There are a lot of purest who have scoffed at the idea of a new or neo dandy. But NewDandyism is not for the purest. We are not looking to the past to dictate what we wear or how we act today. Dandyism is all about setting new paths, new styles, new thoughts, and creating new norms. It doesn’t mean we do not appreciate the past and borrow from it, because we do. A man is nothing without history. But a NewDandy reinterprets and reappropriates the best of the past for our wants and needs today. Because, seriously, we don’t want to appear or act as if in costume.
Check out more at:
The Bicycle Film Fest
As I walked into the gym yesterday evening, I ran into a flyer for an event entitled "The Bicycle Film Fest." Needless to say, I was interested. So after a quick google search, I came across this little tidbit of information.
The Bicycle Film Festival celebrates the bicycle.
We are into all styles of bikes and biking. If you can name it-Tall Bike Jousting, Track Bikes, BMX, Alleycats, Critical Mass, Bike Polo, Cycling to Recumbents- we've probably either ridden or screened it. What better way to celebrate these lifestyles than through art, film, music and performance? We bring together all aspects of bicycling together to advocate its ability to transport us in many ways.
Ultimately the Fest is about having a good time.
We have been fortunate enough to include works of established artists such as Jorgen Leth, Mike Mills, Jonas Mekas, Blonde Redhead, Swoon and Michel Gondry among others as part of our programming.
Many of the artists who have participated in the Bike Film Fest such as the Neistat Brothers and Lucas Brunelle are gaining more and more recognition for their work.
Sign up for the email list or just come out and enjoy our 9th Annual Bicycle Film Festival.
Hm, interesting indeed. The Film Fest is a traveling event, and you find out more information about it by clicking here, or on the above image.
Love and Marriage
So, those of you who follow me on Twitter are well aware of my rants. Some of them can be offensive, some of them can be witty, but all of them are least I’m told. Well, the other night I went off into a rant about how women “think” they know more than they do...wait...that came out really bad. Let me reword it -ahem- Women tend to give themselves more credit than necess...wait, no...Ok, once more for the road -ahem- Women tend to think that men are inferior and have the inability to match up intellectually, therefore making them the more witty sex. Maybe not in such harsh terms, but the fact remains that they feel that they have the ability to out think men. I’ve been told by a woman-friend that women tend to think of themselves as “mental ninjas.”
...maybe this would be a good time to begin my points...
The other night while tweeting I decided to get uber-reckless and anger as many women as possible by stating the claim that men aren’t as stupid as you think we are, that women actually play into our games, that women are too emotional, etc.
Most of it was simply to get a rise out of them...some of it was and is true...Now, what parts are true? I’ll state the points that I said, both reckless in nature...and then I'll match them with somewhat intelligent rhetoric. Enjoy!!!
1. Original:'re not as wise as you think you are...sorry. What do you think guys talk about? How you be fuxin up. We beez laughin!
Intended Meaning: Men aren’t as dumb as you think we are.
Women, for some reason you think that we men are just these ogres...lacking in emotion and susceptible to the Jedi Mind trick...these are the same women that are single and can’t understand why no man will date them. We’re not stupid ladies, at all. Just because you think you have the upper hand...doesn’t mean you actually do. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; Men have the ability to wear the mask, and we’ve mastered said ability. We can effectively say and show one thing, whilst all together feeling otherwise.
And for the record, we have enough blood in our body to operate both heads...thus, we have the ability to logically and cognitively reason. Furthermore, we have emotions as well...and we know when and how to use them. Just because you don’t always see it, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
2.Original: Movies have ya’ll fucked up...
Intended Meaning: Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
Have you ever wondered? “Why do things go so well in films” -or- “I wish I could find my happy ending, things go so well in the movies.” Well...there is a reason they work out so well...because they are films. Films are written a certain way, and in certain genres there is no room for exceptions...Romantic Comedy being one of them. Things must end on an up note, or else the audience [read: women] will leave disappointed and think the movie was poor; and studios can’t have that, that will only skew their first week numbers.
Now, with that being said let’s elaborate a bit...ladies, for the love of God please stop trying to model your lives/perceptions off of movies. Men aren’t stupid. My previous point has stated this, and this point is reinforcing it. More so, most of the men in those films are written to intentionally come off as lethargic, tyrannical, and as sophomoric as possible. Not all men are this way. More so, you have to take each circumstance as a new experience. This allows you to grow from it, enjoy this person fully, and ultimately make decisions based upon your own perceptions and experiences with THIS person...rather than others whom you may think are like him.
[Note: Let the record show that this also applies for books, TV Shows, and any other form of entertainment. That’s why it is called ENTERTAINMENT]
3.Original: Why are all the women dating help books written by men? AND YA’LL BUY ‘EM!
Intended Meaning: To be such an unwitting species, we offer great advice...conundrum if I’ve ever heard of one.
Further reinforcing my first point, men aren’t stupid. That has very little to do with this next point...I just felt the need to say it again.
But, back to business. To be such a large group of behemoths with infinitesimal knowledge...we know how to write a book about relationships...and sell it...and get on Oprah...and get a movie deal out of it...That’s quite an accomplishment for a group with what seems to be wildly accepted as a less than average brain wave activity.
With books like “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” and “He’s Just Not That Into You,” among a thousand others just like it...with a substantial amount of them written by’d think we had this relationship thing on lock and that women were the ones with the inability to effectively reason...
Hmm...maybe that’s actually it...
But what do I know, I’m just a man.
>>>P.S. If you're not following me on Twitter at this point you need help. (
...maybe this would be a good time to begin my points...
The other night while tweeting I decided to get uber-reckless and anger as many women as possible by stating the claim that men aren’t as stupid as you think we are, that women actually play into our games, that women are too emotional, etc.
Most of it was simply to get a rise out of them...some of it was and is true...Now, what parts are true? I’ll state the points that I said, both reckless in nature...and then I'll match them with somewhat intelligent rhetoric. Enjoy!!!
1. Original:'re not as wise as you think you are...sorry. What do you think guys talk about? How you be fuxin up. We beez laughin!
Intended Meaning: Men aren’t as dumb as you think we are.
Women, for some reason you think that we men are just these ogres...lacking in emotion and susceptible to the Jedi Mind trick...these are the same women that are single and can’t understand why no man will date them. We’re not stupid ladies, at all. Just because you think you have the upper hand...doesn’t mean you actually do. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again; Men have the ability to wear the mask, and we’ve mastered said ability. We can effectively say and show one thing, whilst all together feeling otherwise.
And for the record, we have enough blood in our body to operate both heads...thus, we have the ability to logically and cognitively reason. Furthermore, we have emotions as well...and we know when and how to use them. Just because you don’t always see it, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
2.Original: Movies have ya’ll fucked up...
Intended Meaning: Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
Have you ever wondered? “Why do things go so well in films” -or- “I wish I could find my happy ending, things go so well in the movies.” Well...there is a reason they work out so well...because they are films. Films are written a certain way, and in certain genres there is no room for exceptions...Romantic Comedy being one of them. Things must end on an up note, or else the audience [read: women] will leave disappointed and think the movie was poor; and studios can’t have that, that will only skew their first week numbers.
Now, with that being said let’s elaborate a bit...ladies, for the love of God please stop trying to model your lives/perceptions off of movies. Men aren’t stupid. My previous point has stated this, and this point is reinforcing it. More so, most of the men in those films are written to intentionally come off as lethargic, tyrannical, and as sophomoric as possible. Not all men are this way. More so, you have to take each circumstance as a new experience. This allows you to grow from it, enjoy this person fully, and ultimately make decisions based upon your own perceptions and experiences with THIS person...rather than others whom you may think are like him.
[Note: Let the record show that this also applies for books, TV Shows, and any other form of entertainment. That’s why it is called ENTERTAINMENT]
3.Original: Why are all the women dating help books written by men? AND YA’LL BUY ‘EM!
Intended Meaning: To be such an unwitting species, we offer great advice...conundrum if I’ve ever heard of one.
Further reinforcing my first point, men aren’t stupid. That has very little to do with this next point...I just felt the need to say it again.
But, back to business. To be such a large group of behemoths with infinitesimal knowledge...we know how to write a book about relationships...and sell it...and get on Oprah...and get a movie deal out of it...That’s quite an accomplishment for a group with what seems to be wildly accepted as a less than average brain wave activity.
With books like “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” and “He’s Just Not That Into You,” among a thousand others just like it...with a substantial amount of them written by’d think we had this relationship thing on lock and that women were the ones with the inability to effectively reason...
Hmm...maybe that’s actually it...
But what do I know, I’m just a man.
>>>P.S. If you're not following me on Twitter at this point you need help. (
Gonna Post Again Soon
But just got back in the Country.
Not only am I tired, but I have 200+ pictures to sort through.
But the blog does still exist...
>P.S. I'm working on a photography book.
Not only am I tired, but I have 200+ pictures to sort through.
But the blog does still exist...
>P.S. I'm working on a photography book.
Forget me not...
I have a problem forgetting people; which, to most, wouldn't translate to be a problem.
Think about it this way. Everyday, you go get gas, or go to CVS, or Blockbuster, etc. While there, you meet someone. They help you, you walk out. Within 20 minutes you forget them, that they ever existed and that the two of you ever met. With those who have some "significance" in our lives, the process becomes more difficult. We throw out the letters, remove the photos, etc. But for some reason, we find forgetting to be the most difficult thing ever. We want to forget, we pray to forget, but no matter how hard we try...the memories dominate the fight.
No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone that you can't forget. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? What if you desperately want to forget about the person? More so, what if it is a number of people.
This seems to be the case for me. There are a few people, that like it or not, have had an impact in my life. Focusing upon the positive, if I do like just creates unnecessary nostalgia. Will I see this person again? Do they remember me? Etc
A specific example that I can draw upon is my 5th Grade teacher, Mrs. Pilon.
(Sidebar, in no way am I saying that none of the other people who have left an impact on my life aren't important. This is just an example, and possibly the first one that came to mind.)
Mrs. Pilon was my 5th Grade this day I remember how she looks, her voice, her idiosyncrasies, and most importantly the impact she had on my life. For the majority of my formative years, I was in the Catholic school system. And anyone who knows that system, knows that they don't really like double promoting kids...especially the ones they consider to be bad. Unfortunately, I was one of those kids. Mrs. Pilon noticed that I was a bit, bored, by class. So she suggested that I should be double promoted. As you can presume, this didn't go over well with the Head Nun at my school. But through continual pushing, she somehow convinced her to consider it...after I took an IQ test of course. Now, I could go into the details...but to spare you the time, I'll just say I passed...with flying colors. Still not enough to convince the Head Nun, I was forced to take it again...this time scoring higher. This allowed for me to be double promoted in the middle of the year, and could've actually been promoted to the 7th instead of the 6th. (My Mother and Mrs. Pilon would opt against this however, due to my age and the formidable learning curve that I would have to face missing half a year of the 7th grade and completely skipping the 6th.)
Now, I don't know what Mrs. Pilon is doing these days. To be honest I haven't seen her in years. After I finished the 6th Grade, I transferred schools. When I came back to try to catch up with her, I find out that she left. I left out a small portion of the story you see, Mrs. Pilon could never have a child. Her husband and her tried a number of times, but never could bear. Come to find out, the reason she left was because she had recently given birth and wanted to stay home with the newborn child.
I wonder if Mrs. Pilon ever wonders what I'm doing? If I'm still alive? If I graduated from HS? College? What am I doing now? Dreams? If I still remember her?
Little do we realize it, everyday that we're alive we have the ability to make a positive or negative long-lasting effect on someone's life. Someone will not forget you...whether you know it or not.
Mrs. Pilon...
Think about it this way. Everyday, you go get gas, or go to CVS, or Blockbuster, etc. While there, you meet someone. They help you, you walk out. Within 20 minutes you forget them, that they ever existed and that the two of you ever met. With those who have some "significance" in our lives, the process becomes more difficult. We throw out the letters, remove the photos, etc. But for some reason, we find forgetting to be the most difficult thing ever. We want to forget, we pray to forget, but no matter how hard we try...the memories dominate the fight.
No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone that you can't forget. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? What if you desperately want to forget about the person? More so, what if it is a number of people.
This seems to be the case for me. There are a few people, that like it or not, have had an impact in my life. Focusing upon the positive, if I do like just creates unnecessary nostalgia. Will I see this person again? Do they remember me? Etc
A specific example that I can draw upon is my 5th Grade teacher, Mrs. Pilon.
(Sidebar, in no way am I saying that none of the other people who have left an impact on my life aren't important. This is just an example, and possibly the first one that came to mind.)
Mrs. Pilon was my 5th Grade this day I remember how she looks, her voice, her idiosyncrasies, and most importantly the impact she had on my life. For the majority of my formative years, I was in the Catholic school system. And anyone who knows that system, knows that they don't really like double promoting kids...especially the ones they consider to be bad. Unfortunately, I was one of those kids. Mrs. Pilon noticed that I was a bit, bored, by class. So she suggested that I should be double promoted. As you can presume, this didn't go over well with the Head Nun at my school. But through continual pushing, she somehow convinced her to consider it...after I took an IQ test of course. Now, I could go into the details...but to spare you the time, I'll just say I passed...with flying colors. Still not enough to convince the Head Nun, I was forced to take it again...this time scoring higher. This allowed for me to be double promoted in the middle of the year, and could've actually been promoted to the 7th instead of the 6th. (My Mother and Mrs. Pilon would opt against this however, due to my age and the formidable learning curve that I would have to face missing half a year of the 7th grade and completely skipping the 6th.)
Now, I don't know what Mrs. Pilon is doing these days. To be honest I haven't seen her in years. After I finished the 6th Grade, I transferred schools. When I came back to try to catch up with her, I find out that she left. I left out a small portion of the story you see, Mrs. Pilon could never have a child. Her husband and her tried a number of times, but never could bear. Come to find out, the reason she left was because she had recently given birth and wanted to stay home with the newborn child.
I wonder if Mrs. Pilon ever wonders what I'm doing? If I'm still alive? If I graduated from HS? College? What am I doing now? Dreams? If I still remember her?
Little do we realize it, everyday that we're alive we have the ability to make a positive or negative long-lasting effect on someone's life. Someone will not forget you...whether you know it or not.
Mrs. Pilon...
What I'm Listening To...06/10/09
For those who know me, they know that I have a more than eclectic taste in music. So I decided to share a few of the joints that I'm checking out as of recent with you.
Mos Def - The Ecstatic
Current Fave Tracks: Quiet Dog Bite Hard, Casa Bey, No Hay Nada Mas, Pistola, Auditorium ft. Slick Rick
The Yoshida Brothers - III
Current Fave Tracks: Cherry Blossoms in Winter, Morricone
Lenny Kravitz - 5
Current Fave Tracks: Thinking of You, I Belong To You
Polyphonic Spree - Together We're Heavy
Current Fave Tracks: Section 12 (Hold Me Now), Section 18 (Everything Starts at the Seam)
Foreign Exchange - Leave it All Behind
Current Fave Tracks: If She Breaks Your Heart, Valediction, Sweeter Than You, Daykeeper, Take Off The Blues
Nujabes - Modal Soul
Current Fave Tracks: World's End Rhapsody, Modal Soul, Music is Mine, Horizon
Mos Def - The Ecstatic
Current Fave Tracks: Quiet Dog Bite Hard, Casa Bey, No Hay Nada Mas, Pistola, Auditorium ft. Slick Rick
The Yoshida Brothers - III
Current Fave Tracks: Cherry Blossoms in Winter, Morricone
Lenny Kravitz - 5
Current Fave Tracks: Thinking of You, I Belong To You
Polyphonic Spree - Together We're Heavy
Current Fave Tracks: Section 12 (Hold Me Now), Section 18 (Everything Starts at the Seam)
Foreign Exchange - Leave it All Behind
Current Fave Tracks: If She Breaks Your Heart, Valediction, Sweeter Than You, Daykeeper, Take Off The Blues
Nujabes - Modal Soul
Current Fave Tracks: World's End Rhapsody, Modal Soul, Music is Mine, Horizon
Pay for your Passion, don't Prostitute it.
My Mother is a beacon of wisdom. Even when she isn't trying to hit me off with a little bit of knowledge, she always does. I don't understand how she does it, but she does. I am, however, eternally grateful that I have her as my Mother.
Quite some time ago, when I was in my largest down slump that I can remember...and trust, there have been a few; my Mother told me two things that I feel I need to share with everyone. The first was, that no matter who you are, what you do, or how much you love what you do; you will have to Pay for your Passion.
Let's elaborate a bit upon that concept. Pay for your Passion. Not fiscally, although at times you may have to, but emotionally and paying with your time. Nothing that you want is going to fall on your lap, especially if you are passionate about it. Our generation has this misconception that we will be one of these billionaires by the time we're 25, 28 at the latest. This is partly due to the fact that all of the people that we follow or enjoy watching/listening to LOOK young. The actual fact is, the ones that we try to mold our business lives after (The Bransons, the Combs, the Carters, the Gates, etc.), didn't enjoy the comfort and spoils of their labor until they were at least in their 30s. If you are truly passionate about something, you will have to prove it. Day in and Day out. You will pay for it, consistently.
Also some time ago, my Mother noticed that I wasn't enjoying the things that I once did. I fell into a slump of repetition. She told me, it seemed as if I was Prostituting my Passion.
Now, with that being said...let's discuss prostituting your passion. This is a phrase, that to me, defines what I see a lot. People who say they are passionate about something, but they take on any and every job in an effort to garner some form of "acceptance" (whether it be monetary or otherwise) to "pursue their passion." They overwork themselves, so much so, that they don't even enjoy what they were once passionate about anymore. It becomes an exercise, where they feel that quantity defines quality. More so, they don't take the time to learn and appreciate their craft; hence, regurgitating the same project over and over, falling into a slump of mediocrity never to be seen again. If you constantly exercise with the same weight, doing the same number of reps, for the same time duration...well, the muscle never grows. It never strengthens. It plateaus. Whatever you PASSIONATELY do, do it better the next time. Study your past work, and be willing to accept what was poor about it. Grow from it, learn from it, become better. Don't become a passion prostitute.
I swear, my Mother is a genius.
>P.S. I apologize for the lack of cohesive structure...
Quite some time ago, when I was in my largest down slump that I can remember...and trust, there have been a few; my Mother told me two things that I feel I need to share with everyone. The first was, that no matter who you are, what you do, or how much you love what you do; you will have to Pay for your Passion.
Let's elaborate a bit upon that concept. Pay for your Passion. Not fiscally, although at times you may have to, but emotionally and paying with your time. Nothing that you want is going to fall on your lap, especially if you are passionate about it. Our generation has this misconception that we will be one of these billionaires by the time we're 25, 28 at the latest. This is partly due to the fact that all of the people that we follow or enjoy watching/listening to LOOK young. The actual fact is, the ones that we try to mold our business lives after (The Bransons, the Combs, the Carters, the Gates, etc.), didn't enjoy the comfort and spoils of their labor until they were at least in their 30s. If you are truly passionate about something, you will have to prove it. Day in and Day out. You will pay for it, consistently.
Also some time ago, my Mother noticed that I wasn't enjoying the things that I once did. I fell into a slump of repetition. She told me, it seemed as if I was Prostituting my Passion.
Now, with that being said...let's discuss prostituting your passion. This is a phrase, that to me, defines what I see a lot. People who say they are passionate about something, but they take on any and every job in an effort to garner some form of "acceptance" (whether it be monetary or otherwise) to "pursue their passion." They overwork themselves, so much so, that they don't even enjoy what they were once passionate about anymore. It becomes an exercise, where they feel that quantity defines quality. More so, they don't take the time to learn and appreciate their craft; hence, regurgitating the same project over and over, falling into a slump of mediocrity never to be seen again. If you constantly exercise with the same weight, doing the same number of reps, for the same time duration...well, the muscle never grows. It never strengthens. It plateaus. Whatever you PASSIONATELY do, do it better the next time. Study your past work, and be willing to accept what was poor about it. Grow from it, learn from it, become better. Don't become a passion prostitute.
I swear, my Mother is a genius.
>P.S. I apologize for the lack of cohesive structure...
Rejected Four Times
One thing I wish everyone would've told me upon graduation is that nothing is easy. Or did they tell me that? Ok...well, something I wish that they would've told me that I KNOW they never did, is that its OK to fail.
Think about this. Our whole life we're groomed to never fail. You go to school to pass and to graduate. You learn to play sports, and though we say its about how you play the game its truly about winning [majority of the time]. You get a good job, to make good money, and raise a good family and not get fired [hence, never failing]. Wash, rinse, repeat. Etc, etc, etc. But never once are we told, its OK to fail. Just be you, sometimes we're meant to mess up. Be human. And if we are told, then it is rare. Few and far in between. Well, this is what leads me to my next post/topic...Rejected Four Times.
Now, we all know that Graduate School is uber-competitive. But I honestly don't think we really grasp how competitive it really is. I'll use my case as an example.
I'm headed to Grad School in the Fall for Film, Alhumdillah [Not a Muslim, just love that phrase. Its such a poetic way to say Thank You Lord. Don't you agree?]. This is my second year applying, and Lord knows it was an arduous two year application process. Not only have I spent Hundreds upon Hundreds of All American Dollars just to APPLY, (All of my application fees were $50+, not including cost of mailing, cost to print off various documents/photos, and time spent typing and proof reading aforementioned documents and photographs) but I've gone through rejection, depression, and every other emotion in between.
I wish someone would've told me that I would go so deep into my pockets, both fiscally and emotionally.
Next, in the two years that I spent applying little did I know that I would be faced with insurmountable odds. Like, oh, say the fact that most graduate schools get hundreds upon thousands of applicants...then only accept close to 30-50 (depending on the program, mine accepting between 12...yes, 12....and 30). More so, not all of the applicants applying are from the USA. Now I have to compete with International Applicants...and they're just as every bit talent as me...if not more.
I wish someone would've told me that I'd be one out of millions. That I am much smaller than I think I am.
Subsequently, no one told me that I would get rejected SO MANY TIMES! Not only did I apply to some programs more than once, but I've been concurrently rejected by the same programs...more than once. (NYU Tisch: New York Campus - Twice, NYU Tisch: Singapore Campus - Once, Columbia University - Once, Emerson University - Wait List) Only, to be accepted two times...
I wish someone would've told me that I was going to get rejected...everyone does at least once. It is a part of the process.
After all of this is said and done, finally I was accepted into one of my top three Graduate Programs...Only to find out that I need to find a way to pay for school. I could very much mooch off of my old man, but I'd rather not if there are other ways to pay for school. Not to mention, still balancing the other cost/expenses of life.
I wish someone would've told me that life after College would be so expensive.
I say all of this to say, DO NOT be discouraged...this specifically goes out to anyone who may read this that is still in School, applying for Graduate School, out in the Work Force, taking that infamous "year off," etc. Take it from someone who has been there and had to take, what I felt, was the longest year of my life to get prepared and accepted. Its OK, to fail.
Here are some other things that people neglect to tell us my fellow Quarter-Lifers...the average Graduate Student is 25+, the Average College Student spends 4+ years in Undergrad, the Average person doesn't start in their ideal position of employment...they have to move up the ladder dealing with what they consider "menial" work that is below them, the Average Career requires A College Degree PLUS 1-2 years of Work Experience, the People we see on TV who are doing well for themselves (whether they be businessman/businesswoman, entertainer, etc.), is in their THIRTIES. Remember, you are above average, in so many other ways that I can possibly list. Please, please, not be afraid to fail.
I wish someone would've told me that it is OK to fail.
Think about this. Our whole life we're groomed to never fail. You go to school to pass and to graduate. You learn to play sports, and though we say its about how you play the game its truly about winning [majority of the time]. You get a good job, to make good money, and raise a good family and not get fired [hence, never failing]. Wash, rinse, repeat. Etc, etc, etc. But never once are we told, its OK to fail. Just be you, sometimes we're meant to mess up. Be human. And if we are told, then it is rare. Few and far in between. Well, this is what leads me to my next post/topic...Rejected Four Times.
Now, we all know that Graduate School is uber-competitive. But I honestly don't think we really grasp how competitive it really is. I'll use my case as an example.
I'm headed to Grad School in the Fall for Film, Alhumdillah [Not a Muslim, just love that phrase. Its such a poetic way to say Thank You Lord. Don't you agree?]. This is my second year applying, and Lord knows it was an arduous two year application process. Not only have I spent Hundreds upon Hundreds of All American Dollars just to APPLY, (All of my application fees were $50+, not including cost of mailing, cost to print off various documents/photos, and time spent typing and proof reading aforementioned documents and photographs) but I've gone through rejection, depression, and every other emotion in between.
I wish someone would've told me that I would go so deep into my pockets, both fiscally and emotionally.
Next, in the two years that I spent applying little did I know that I would be faced with insurmountable odds. Like, oh, say the fact that most graduate schools get hundreds upon thousands of applicants...then only accept close to 30-50 (depending on the program, mine accepting between 12...yes, 12....and 30). More so, not all of the applicants applying are from the USA. Now I have to compete with International Applicants...and they're just as every bit talent as me...if not more.
I wish someone would've told me that I'd be one out of millions. That I am much smaller than I think I am.
Subsequently, no one told me that I would get rejected SO MANY TIMES! Not only did I apply to some programs more than once, but I've been concurrently rejected by the same programs...more than once. (NYU Tisch: New York Campus - Twice, NYU Tisch: Singapore Campus - Once, Columbia University - Once, Emerson University - Wait List) Only, to be accepted two times...
I wish someone would've told me that I was going to get rejected...everyone does at least once. It is a part of the process.
After all of this is said and done, finally I was accepted into one of my top three Graduate Programs...Only to find out that I need to find a way to pay for school. I could very much mooch off of my old man, but I'd rather not if there are other ways to pay for school. Not to mention, still balancing the other cost/expenses of life.
I wish someone would've told me that life after College would be so expensive.
I say all of this to say, DO NOT be discouraged...this specifically goes out to anyone who may read this that is still in School, applying for Graduate School, out in the Work Force, taking that infamous "year off," etc. Take it from someone who has been there and had to take, what I felt, was the longest year of my life to get prepared and accepted. Its OK, to fail.
Here are some other things that people neglect to tell us my fellow Quarter-Lifers...the average Graduate Student is 25+, the Average College Student spends 4+ years in Undergrad, the Average person doesn't start in their ideal position of employment...they have to move up the ladder dealing with what they consider "menial" work that is below them, the Average Career requires A College Degree PLUS 1-2 years of Work Experience, the People we see on TV who are doing well for themselves (whether they be businessman/businesswoman, entertainer, etc.), is in their THIRTIES. Remember, you are above average, in so many other ways that I can possibly list. Please, please, not be afraid to fail.
I wish someone would've told me that it is OK to fail.
What exactly is a Quarter-Life Crisis
Some of you may be wondering where in the Good Name of the Lord did I get the title for this blog from. Well, there is a thing called a Quarter-Life Crisis, that seems to be a new discussion point. Its similar to a mid-life crisis, but more for people in my age group (21-25, 26-30). Some of the symptoms are:
* feeling "not good enough" because one can't find a job that is at one's academic/intellectual level
* frustration with relationships, the working world, and finding a suitable job or career
* confusion of identity
* insecurity regarding the near future
* insecurity concerning long-term plans, life goals
* insecurity regarding present accomplishments
* re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
* disappointment with one's job
* nostalgia for university, college, high school or elementary school life
* tendency to hold stronger opinions
* boredom with social interactions
* loss of closeness to high school and college friends
* financially-rooted stress (overwhelming college loans, unanticipatedly high cost of living, etc.)
* loneliness
* desire to have children
* a sense that everyone is, somehow, doing better than you
Now, I think everyone in the aforementioned "age group" can relate to at least 2 of these symptoms. So, don't feel alone...I surely don't.
You still may be asking, why this name? Well, because this blog will chronicle my current life whilst going through said Quarter-Life Crisis. The moves, the travels, the life, etc. Just everything that I may be thinking, doing, etc. Or at least, the stuff that I care to share. All in an effort to cope and possibly understand things a little better.
A lot of my opinions can be abrasive, crazy, poorly thought out, funny, etc. But hey, its just my thoughts ladies and gents.
I promise, I'll TRY to keep it clean.
* feeling "not good enough" because one can't find a job that is at one's academic/intellectual level
* frustration with relationships, the working world, and finding a suitable job or career
* confusion of identity
* insecurity regarding the near future
* insecurity concerning long-term plans, life goals
* insecurity regarding present accomplishments
* re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
* disappointment with one's job
* nostalgia for university, college, high school or elementary school life
* tendency to hold stronger opinions
* boredom with social interactions
* loss of closeness to high school and college friends
* financially-rooted stress (overwhelming college loans, unanticipatedly high cost of living, etc.)
* loneliness
* desire to have children
* a sense that everyone is, somehow, doing better than you
Now, I think everyone in the aforementioned "age group" can relate to at least 2 of these symptoms. So, don't feel alone...I surely don't.
You still may be asking, why this name? Well, because this blog will chronicle my current life whilst going through said Quarter-Life Crisis. The moves, the travels, the life, etc. Just everything that I may be thinking, doing, etc. Or at least, the stuff that I care to share. All in an effort to cope and possibly understand things a little better.
A lot of my opinions can be abrasive, crazy, poorly thought out, funny, etc. But hey, its just my thoughts ladies and gents.
I promise, I'll TRY to keep it clean.
Opening Post
I haven't kept up a personal blog for some time.
I have another couple of blogs that I keep up, but this one will be my sole opinion - which at times can be a bit skewed, a bit abrasive, a bit crazy; but my opinion none the less.
Feel free to read, feel free to enjoy, feel free to comment and return as necessary.
I have another couple of blogs that I keep up, but this one will be my sole opinion - which at times can be a bit skewed, a bit abrasive, a bit crazy; but my opinion none the less.
Feel free to read, feel free to enjoy, feel free to comment and return as necessary.
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